Saturday 14 January 2023

LOFTUS & Places Nearby In VIDEO

                           A few Videos from the area that myself and others have placed on You Tube

                           SKINNINGROVE STEEL WORKS & MINES  - CARLIN HOW
                                                         AND LIVERTON MINES

                                                        IMAGES FROM THE PAST

Posted onto YouTube in 2020 By (myself) Phil Barnes 
A slide show of the old local mining and steelworks industry.


created in 2017

A slide of Panoramic Views from around our area. I
 forgot to add Skinningrove on the titles at the start (sorry Skinny :-)
The music was free to share.


                                     Posted on the 20th March 2017 By (myself) Phil Barnes
                                                              A slide show of our area.

This was posted on You Tube on 20th August 2010 by Steve Thompson.
Cleverly done Mr Thompson


Posted  on You Tube by John A Lawson on 2nd July 2011.
This Video shows the old Alum works area (1645-1865)
now a sparse looking place on the Doubles cliffs 



                                           Posted on You Tube by (myself) 14th Nov 2012 
                                                    A slide to mark Remembrance Day



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